Thursday, June 17, 2010

My hair is dirty/dishwater blonde...?

I'm 14 and my hair is medium-length dirty blonde. I'm not allowed to dye/highlight/streak it yet, and I was wondering if there was any way to make it naturally look more exciting. Any ideas?

My hair is dirty/dishwater blonde...?

Find a salon that carries tinted shampoos and ask which one they would recomend to make your brighter. These shampoos have a little pigment in them that stain your hair a little bit each time you use them so you can make it more golden and shiny. They don't change your hair permanantly at all.

P.S. Lemon juice is extremely drying and it does change your hair permanently. It is an acid that lightens your hair because it is so harsh. Any acid you put on your hair will make it permanently lighter but I wouldn't recommend it AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

My hair is dirty/dishwater blonde...?

lemon juice. put it in and go sit in the sun. chamomile tea also

My hair is dirty/dishwater blonde...?

Put lemon juice in your hair and the sun will bleach it out naturally.

My hair is dirty/dishwater blonde...?

Do you have any lemon Juice? When you shower pore in you hair really good. Then after your done go out side and thet the air dry it.

My hair is dirty/dishwater blonde...?

put lemon juice on it then sit in the sun, it will highlight naturally

My hair is dirty/dishwater blonde...?

I do not know if it works but i heard lemon juice works as well as freshly squeezed orange juice

My hair is dirty/dishwater blonde...?

some of those hair shine or gloss products.

( por a bottle of peroxide on your hair dry and it will make it blonde then rise and shampoo)

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