Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bleached hair ?

im 13

my hair is medium to dark brown and its cut really really really short right now

if i bleeched my hair with bleach (laundry soap ) what would happen

would i go gray or bald faster

would it ever go back to normal (how long)

is there any health risks

is there any other things i should no

Bleached hair ?


you will burn the fire out of your scalp, your hair will probably melt off, and you could get it in your eye. It could do serious damage.

In salons, we don't use real bleach. It is specifically formulated for use on the hair, and when putting bleach on the scalp, we have to use an even more specific formula. Dark brown hair may only lift to a orange or yellow stage and will need to be toned down. So honey, please see a stylist if you want your hair colored. I know your 13 and eager to experiment, but my 13 year old cousin once Naired her eye brows off trying something new. If nothing else, get some bleach from the HAIR section at walmart. good luck.

Bleached hair ?

Dont use soap, it has chemicals that could damage your hair and scalp, go to a professional saloon or use real hair bleach from a store.

Bleached hair ?

when they say bleaching hair, i don't think they literally use real laundry i think your hair could fall out.....and plus, getting your hair bleached is excruciatingly painful and you probably wouldn't be able to do it yourself anyway

Bleached hair ?

you are very young and to bleach your hear at this age it is not advise.......

Bleached hair ?

Bleach for laundry won't work.

You need to go to a professional and get it done.

Bleached hair ?

Use a product for hair at the store.

Bleached hair ?

OMG! Do not use laundry soap! You could go blind! You can get hair dye or bleach at the grocery store for about $5. Hair grows out about a half inch per month.

Bleached hair ?

I have never heard of anyone actually using laundry bleach to bleach out their hair.

You can go to Sally's and buy (its comes in a blue paper pouch) bleach and the solution.

Now you do know that medium to dark brown hair doesn't just lift to blonde, right? If you don't do it right it will be a NASTY orange color and on the other hand if you lift the color too much it will strip the pigment right out of your hair and you will get this horrible gray color.

With that said you will also have super dry hair and probably a lot of breakage. You'll need a really good deep conditioner.

Bleached hair ?

You may end up with a allergic reaction.

and loose all your hair

Bleached hair ?

Never go for a laundry bleach, it's will make u bald, u may go for a bleach called JOLEN which u may get in any supermarket. Its very easy to use, u may just mix the cream %26amp; accelerator (bleach powder) together, dont put the powder too much just medium, n mix it n apply on little hair strands, n leave it for 15 min. u may get nice %26amp; beautiful bleached hair.

Bleached hair ?

Oh my GOD! Don't use that kind of bleach in your hair, or it will all fall out and your scalp will burn. Get some hydrogen peroxide in the chemists and rub a little splash into your hair, do this every day and your hair will gradually lighten up. If you keep doing it you will eventually have white hair. Don't do this if your hair is long though, too much woirk and dry hair. It's a great way to bleach if you have short hair though. I used to do this in my punk days.

By the way I can't help thinking by the sound of yur question that you have already done it (laundry bleach I mean)


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